26 August 2021, 11:11
To get you in the mood, Epic is now giving away Saints Row: The Third Remaster for free.
14 February 2018, 15:31
Paying €121m cash for the Dead Island, Saints Row, and Metro series publishers.
21 April 2017, 12:01
And in other gaming news, Saints Row 2 is currently free on PC via GOG.
7 June 2016, 13:36
Set to bring more Saints Row style action and humour to PCs and consoles next year.
18 May 2016, 10:31
The $1 entry level offers five games including Sacred 3 and Dead Island GOTY Edition.
13 January 2016, 12:31
Resist Korean forces in Philadelphia, USA, in this open world first-person shooter.
1 September 2014, 12:45
This standalone expansion will be available on PC, PlayStation and Xbox.
31 July 2014, 12:03
But Cambridge UK based games company hopes to prosper in digital only industry.
23 May 2014, 11:06
Metro Redux is a HD reboot of both previous Metro titles for PC, Xbox One and PS4.
14 May 2014, 10:00
It starts with the 'Humble Deep Silver re-Bundle' sale – now on.