QOTW: What speed does your desktop memory run at?

by Parm Mann on 19 February 2021, 16:31

Tags: G.SKILL, Corsair, Kingston, Team Group, HyperX, Crucial Technology (NASDAQ:MU)

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The actual speed of desktop memory appears to have taken a backseat as manufacturers shift their focus to higher capacities, lower latencies and, of course, RGB lighting. Sensible developments, perhaps, when you consider that faster memory frequencies often result in negligible real-world performance gains, yet that's no deterrent to enthusiasts wanting to scrape the barrel.

We're curious to hear your thoughts on the matter, so for this week's we're asking: what speed does your desktop memory run at? Let us know using the comments facility below, and if you're not entirely sure, you can find your memory speed in Windows Task Manager (click Memory in the Performance tab).

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I just run my Corsair memory at XMP set speed of 3200. My board doesn;t seem to like OC much, struggle to do anything with my K series 7700
Like dylanlaw79, Corsair at XMP speed of 3200… mind you I'm not entirely certain how much more speed/how tight the timings will go with 64GB. In the main I just want my machine, which is less than eight months old, to run stable at this point in time.
Gaming PC - 3200
Laptop - 1600
HTPC - 1600
Office PC - 1866
Backup PC - 1866
Kitchen PC - 1600
Microservers x3 - 1333
Legacy PC #1 - 100
Legacy PC #2 - 400
Legacy PC #3 - 800
1600 Mhz, since 2012
Ludicrous speed! Well, if I win that tasty Hexus competition it will be..