AMD Phenom 9750 pictured. B3 stepping is ready to go

by Tarinder Sandhu on 18 March 2008, 10:48

Tags: Phenom X4 9750, AMD (NYSE:AMD)

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We recently reported that AMD is now shipping B3-stepping Barcelona CPUs to its OEM customers.

As a recap, the B3 stepping fixes a number of bugs, including the infamous erratum 298 - the TLB error.

Now, AMD is in a position to ship B3-stepping Phenom (desktop) quad-core processors in volume and promising higher speeds on the horizon.

Cementing this fact is the shot below of a Phenom 9750.

The B3 Phenom 9750 will ship at 2.4GHz. We expect other -50 variants, indicating B3 status, to be released at the same time, including 9650 (2.3GHz) and 9550 (2.2GHz).

Expect to see parts clocked at 2.5GHz and 2.6GHz in the very near future, we were told.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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Will amd begin to pull back customers from intel….

Im thinking not, nightshadow and i where amongst a small breed of hopers who finally gave up i think :D
too late now for me to go with an AMD setup… they must have lost a lot of customers… dunno if they'll be able to pull back, unless these chips can overclock like beasts?
is it fast yet?
Good - I can finally get my new system started :)
Well looks like its time to build a vista quadcore to replace my current machine.