Firm aims to have 80 per cent efficient x86 to ARM in 2 years

by Alistair Lowe on 9 October 2012, 11:15

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Despite the huge market penetration of ARM-architecture devices, superior performance-per-watt and Windows adoption, the English firm still suffers from a significant disadvantage; support for x86.

Perhaps the biggest issue is that, x86 isn't a legacy architecture and isn't looking to die any-time soon and so, many programs will still be designed to support only this platform. Microsoft made a choice, when bringing Windows support to ARM, to avoid desktop support and any form of x86 emulation, despite the modern ARM processor performing on a level around that of a high-end Atom - clearly capable of running a full-fat OS.

American firm, Elbrus Technologies, plans to take advantage of this gap in the market and currently offers an x86 to ARM emulator that functions at around 40 per cent efficiency. This may not sound so great, however, ARM processors typically offer between 50 and 90 per cent superior performance per watt and so already, there's the appeal of more efficient computing in some scenarios.

Elbrus hopes that in two years, the firm will be able to reach 80 per cent emulation efficiency versus a native ARM app, through the creation of a binary translator and optimisation process. Even if the firm reaches only 60 per cent efficiency, this will still see most applications run at a superior performance-per-watt to a native x86 processor and, likely at a lower cost as well. This has serious appeal for both ultra-portables and more so for large data centres, where owners can invest in many, cheap ARM cores, whilst being able to run a stock x86 operating system and program.

If ever an x86 to ARM emulator surpasses 60 per cent efficiency and proves to function reliably, it'll be one to keep an eye on, as there'll be a serious new competitor entering the x86 market.

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Makes me want to dust of the Archimedes with pride :-) Go Acorn !
Wow, I am surprised at the numbers they are quoting. Emulation with 60% of the performance of the same generation…..that is pretty much unheard of.
Didn't a company called Cyrix try this back in the 90s ?

Wonder if Intel will be reading these reports with very nervous eyes.
Without doubt, from a purely aesthetic perspective, ARM processors are THE best looking CPU's out there..:))
Didn't a company called Cyrix try this back in the 90s ?

Is that why the Cyrix chips were woeful compared to intel (and the AMD made Intel clones)