Review: Kamakaze CPU Cooler

by David Ross on 20 October 2003, 00:00

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Scythe have produced a very worthy addition to the CPU cooling market. It is most certainly not the most attractive product and would not suit someone that uses neon and windows to display their wares. As with many heatsinks designed for extreme use, it is large and care should be taken to ensure it will fit.

What the Kamakaze lacks in looks it makes up for in performance. The standard product provides for most needs and is excellent as a high performance cooler and excels as a silent cooler. As one solution fits both AMD and Intel setups this could be the only CPU cooler you need for years of upgrading.

We understand that the price will be circa $33 US, making it a very well priced product. We feel sure that if enough main stream suppliers decide to stock the Kamakaze it will be a great success.


Expected low price
Excellent Cooling
Very Quiet


Functional looks
Care needed when fitting


HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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might be worth the investment, seems very future proof to me!
Looks good although two words … over 600g!

That'll crush your core even with a shim, lol!
Originally posted by unrealrocks
Looks good although two words … over 600g!

That'll crush your core even with a shim, lol!

nah my slk-800 is around that weight and is fine without a shim !
The actual heatsink looks remarkably like my Alpha Pal 8045! And its Japanese…..
Looks like a nice piece of kit, any news on where's stocking these yet?