Review: AMD Ryzen 7 1800X (14nm Zen)

by Tarinder Sandhu on 2 March 2017, 14:00


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Ryzen employs a thoroughly modern architecture whose focus is on massive multi-thread performance made possible by running eight cores and 16 threads in tandem.

Before today, AMD had a difficult time convincing the enthusiast that it was worth going down its CPU route for their next build. Intel held sway through a combination of superior performance emanating from superior architectures.

Today, however, the status quo in the premium consumer PC space has been turned on its head through the introduction of the Zen-based Ryzen CPU. Built from the ground up after the previous generation Bulldozer, to put it politely, failed to live up to expectation, Ryzen has carried the burden of responsibility for the best part of five years.

Ryzen employs a thoroughly modern architecture whose focus is on massive multi-thread performance made possible by running eight cores and 16 threads in tandem. There's significant similarity to the way Intel designs its latest big chips, but that's clearly no bad thing.

AMD's engineering task was to ensure that Ryzen could compete with the best Intel processors of the present day. It certainly does so in applications that take advantage of lots of threads, easily matching the expensive chips from Intel, though single-threaded performance and SMT-enabled gaming lags a little behind.

We'd argue that Intel still has the all-important IPC lead, yet the business case favours AMD hugely. Aggressive pricing means that Ryzen is able to deliver class-leading multi-thread performance at half the price, or less, paving the way for prosumers to build powerful machines at fundamentally lower price points.

And this is the crux. The arrival of Ryzen should force Intel to move on price, benefitting the consumer. Gamers don't need an eight-core chip just yet - a phalanx of Intel ones do just fine - though it'd be nice if Ryzen ensured honest-to-goodness value was pushed into all segments of the PC market, and not just at the very low end as has historically been the case.

We come away with the feeling that AMD desperately needed to be in the high-performance conversation with Ryzen and subsequent Zen-based architectures that build upon it. It achieves that aim, handsomely in some scenarios, and the disruptive technology breathes much-needed new life back into an environment that was previously wholly dominated by Intel.

Bottom line: building a high-performance PC in the coming months? There are, once again, compelling reasons to consider an AMD CPU.

The Good
The Bad
Massive multi-core performance
Aggressive pricing
Smart calls on architecture
Energy efficient design
Gives users honest choice
Significant ecosystem support

Limited overclocking potential
Single-thread not as good as Intel
Gaming optimisations still needed

AMD Ryzen 7 1800X


The AMD Ryzen 7 1800X is available to purchase from Scan Computers.


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HEXUS Forums :: 243 Comments

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For professional users who need all those cores and threads for rendering and such like these look like bargains.

..for everyone else, especially gamers, quite disappointing from an overclocking and single core performance perspective.

Maybe after a couple of hardware iterations and refinements, allowing for higher overclocks I'd consider going with Ryzen…but not yet.

Now I just have to hope enough people buy them to force Intel into dropping the price of the 7700K a bit more.
But as a forward looking pc build I'd guess it would be a great chip
It looks like Intel still have the lead when it comes to gaming, though it's likely more to do with game optimisation etc more than anything at the this point. What would be interesting is to see what the numbers look like in a few months time, with new bios revisions and new game patches.

Great review as always. Would like to have seen a bigger focus on temps and a comparison chart between it and Intel CPUs to give a better understanding of how hot they run.
Not bad at all, cant see a reason now unless you need 10 cores to go with Intels HEDT.
Only dissapointment for me is in the overclocking but its a new process node so not surprising I guess.

AMD are back :)
It's good to see some competition in the processor market, however for those looking to build mainly for gaming purposes, Intel's offerings are hard to beat (at least until the Zen 5 series is out?).