Review: abit AW9D Max

by Ryszard Sommefeldt on 11 October 2006, 08:59

Tags: Abit AW9D Max, Intel (NASDAQ:INTC), abit

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Thoughts, HEXUS.awards, HEXUS.right2reply

It's hard to ignore the slot layout on the AW9D Max when thinking about it as a whole, but ignore it we will. We champion better slot layouts here at HEXUS all the time, but it's clear that when it's a high-end board the consumer almost always goes into a purchase with eyes wide open after careful consideration. So we'll emulate that train of thought and not knock the board for it, and instead focus on the rest for the user that's still interested.

The secondary layout is good, but not great, the Sil3132 locations meaning the ports connected to them are in fairly poor places (barring the eSATA port which demands positioning on the I/O backplane). However pin headers are excellently labelled, the flashing LED feature can be switched off and adjusted (thank Ghu), power connector placement is excellent and the aesthetic is well judged.

You can't use the board upside down because of the heatpipes either, but that's the last physical specific worth mentioning. It's a good board overall, just with minor niggles in a couple of places.

The BIOS is brill, letting you adjust all relevant settings easily for performance adjustment and overclocking, and the monitoring and fan adjustment control is absolutely excellent and entirely peerless. abit back to their BIOS-level best? We'd find it hard to argue, USB keyboard niggle aside.

Performance was as expected, overclocking saw us take the board easily past 450MHz on the CPU bus frequency (a popular marker for low-end Core 2 Duo overclocks, Bu-Do-Gi indeed!) and the presentation and bundle are as befits a high-end SKU.

That means if the big caveat doesn't matter to you, the AW9D Max is a mainboard we find very easy to recommend. For the high-end Core 2 Duo user it should appeal in a number of ways, adjustability, overclocking, performance and looks most of all in our opinion. The slot layout has to sit well with you though, of course. Great stuff from abit.

HEXUS Awards

abit AW9D Max

HEXUS Where2Buy

The abit AW9D MAX is currently available from for around £150. Click on the URL to be taken to the product page.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any of abit's representatives choose to do so, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

HEXUS Forums :: 11 Comments

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Hmmm.. not convinced - if you're going to go down that route at least have the balls to do it without an apologetic preface :p
LOL @ Rys

My intro is along similar lines….luff t3h AW9D Max :D
Heh glad to see this got a good review. I'm very pleased with mine (especially as I got it for £130 he he).

The 1.2 BIOS update does make the board abit more stable I found especially at high clock speeds.

:bowdown: AW9D-Max
The 1.2 BIOS update does make the board abit more stable
