Benchmarks II
Now to see how differing memory speeds and timings affect gaming. Starting off with 3DMark 2001SE.We gain almost 600 marks by running faster memory, and almost 400 marks by running at the same memory speed (222MHz) but with tight timings. This is what premium, high-end RAM is all about. The ability to run at high frequencies with tight timings. To see where the points are made between fastest and slowest, have a look below at my 2 compares below.
Notice that the CPU speed and FSB are identical, just the RAM speed has changed. The bandwidth-starved lobby tests see the greatest increase in FPS and marks. If you're a 3DMarker, you'll know all about the need for fast and tight RAM. The above scores were obtained with a stock Radeon 9700 Pro and quality settings.
On to Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. Benchmarked using normal settings and the system-taxing Valley of the Jaguar Timedemo in the publicly available demo. Run at 1024x768x32 Normal settings.
A nice increase in FPS, although 100 FPS is hardly slow.