There aren't too many instances when one would need 2GB of system memory in a home environment. That said, memory is much like money; you can never have too much. OCZ's realised that there's a niche market out there for large capacities of unbuffered RAM. AMD's new S939 processors have recently shown us that default performance can be impressive, and this is just the kind of setup that OCZ's dual-channel 2GB pack is made for, that is, for enthusiasts who want the best-specified PC possible.2GB of system RAM is a luxury that most of us can do without, really, but it doesn't have give you a warm feeling inside when your PC's RAM count is as high as hard drives' capacity just a few short years ago. That's it in a nutshell; there's no tangible performance benefits for the average user who just checks emails and potters around in Word, but this memory isn't for Mr. Average - it's for the select professional and general users with fat wallets who, for the main part, simply want to show off.
If you can honestly find a meaningful use for 2GB of unbuffered memory, OCZ's £400 dual-channel pack is as good as any. We'd pair it with AMD's new S939 Athlon 64 FX-53 and ATI's Radeon X800 XT PE. That would lead to a multi-purpose system that's equally at home with the most demanding of games and adept at handling professional image and rendering applications. For most users, though, it's one of those options you select when deciding on your dream system. 2GB of system RAM has its uses, sure, but they are few and far between for most of us.