TCAAC 15 - Amazon go DRM free!


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DRM was brought in to protect music publishers, much to the chagrin of the general public... but Amazon are going DRM-free with their downloads... Nick and Scott investigate.

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“We don't endorse p2p”

Lol there was something too forced about that statement, almost like the lawyers were standing in the wings pointing a big stick at them! Here is an interesting blog post I read earlier this week / last week:

What I find interesting about the Chinese culture is that they do not believe that ideas should be owned by anyone. There is some truth to this. Any inventions, artistic creations, and scientific breakthroughs owe much to the ideas of others past and present. To put a patent and/or copyright protection on a product which is really a culmination of one’s culture, and reap the benefit of it personally, does seem wrong to some degree. There are many ideas and contributions to our culture that cannot be protected in a practical manner. Whether you end up with something that can be copyrighted, patented, or credited is a matter of luck. Many people have contributed to the steps in-between, which cannot be patented, copyrighted, or credited. If you have ever worked for a large organization, this is quite obvious.

The Chinese, especially because of their Marxist past, see their intellectual contributions almost like the Open Source movement. It becomes a fair game to take the ideas of others if you don’t protect your own ideas. Chefs have always been operating (and thriving) in this environment, since one cannot copyright recipes.
… but Amazon are going DRM-free with their downloads…

play already have, so have e-tailers seen the light?
Must have. The more companies that do, the better for us.