Intel reports another record quarter, unveils new SoC

by Scott Bicheno on 14 April 2010, 09:56

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Most analysts consider Intel to be one of the bellwethers of the tech industry as a whole, so the fact that it has just reported its best Q1 ever will be viewed as good news.

The chip giant managed to generate $10.3 billion in revenue, yielding a net income of $2.4 and EPS of 43 cents - all above expectations. Intel achieved record mobile processor revenue, but revenue for Atom was down 19 percent sequentially. Apparently sales of higher-end systems were healthy.

"The investments we're making in leading edge technology are delivering the most compelling product line-up in our history," said Paul Otellini, Intel president and CEO. "These leadership products combined with growing worldwide demand and continued outstanding execution resulted in Intel's best first quarter ever. Looking forward, we're optimistic about our business as Intel products are designed into a variety of new and exciting segments."

IDF Beijing is also underway this week and the biggest announcement to come from it so far is a new SoC, based on Atom and codenamed Tunnel Creek, which is intended to be used in IP phones, printers and in-vehicle-infotainment (IVI) applications. Chinese carmaker Haw Tai also said it will incorporate both Atom and MeeGo in future IVI platforms.

"Intel is committed to focus our technologies on innovative new applications in China," said Doug Davis, VP and GM of Intel's embedded and communications group. "We're cooperating closely with local companies in China to provide smarter and better connected computing solutions for cars, homes, businesses that provide infrastructure to power a more mobile and faster Internet experience."


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