WikiLeaks founder arrested

by Sarah Griffiths on 7 December 2010, 11:34

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And WikiLeaks hunt continues...

Assange's arrest will no doubt has conspiracy theorists rubbing their hands with glee, as it comes just after WikiLeaks unleashed a secret list of ‘sensitive' UK sites that could be targeted by terrorists.

The leak, which lists the UK's undersea cables, defence plants and satellite operations has caused fury and many people to question whether WikiLeaks is handling its information responsibly.

According to The Daily Mail, numerous counties are taking action, with Theresa May, the UK's home secretary announcing that government departments are reviewing their computer security, while the US attorney general is doing the same as well as investigating whether the US could prosecute Assange. Meanwhile, Swiss bank PostFinance has frozen Assange's personal account...for giving fake information about his home.

Ex-defence and foreign secretary, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, reportedly said the release of sensitive sites is "further evidence they have been generally irresponsible, bordering on criminal. This is the kind of information terrorists are interested in knowing."

While the location of cables and defense firms like BAE systems is admittedly in the public domain, WikiLeaks has exposed specific infrastructure as being ‘critical' to the US' economic and national security, making them bigger targets, according to Rifkin.

Other slightly unusual sites leaked in the documents reportedly include an anti snake venom factory down under and insulin firm in Denmark.

While WikiLeaks is playing its freedom of speech card and insisting the US was pulling the wool over peoples' eyes, a Downing Street spokesman has reportedly said: 'We unequivocally condemn the unauthorised release of classified information. The leaks and their publication are damaging to national security in the United States, Britain and elsewhere. It is vital that governments are able to operate on the basis of confidentiality of information.'

Assange's lawyer has apparently reportedly claimed that his client will fight deportation as it could lead to Assange being handed over to the US, where some politicians have apparently called for his execution.

Of course more secrets are expected to come from WikiLeaks over the coming days and possibly weeks after the site has relocated again. In another twist that makes the Assange saga sound more and more like something out of a Bond film, Assange's lawyer also reportedly warned that WikiLeaks has incredibly sensitive information that is akin to a ‘thermo-nuclear device' which it will use to defend itself, if necessary.

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What is that bizzare smell?

Weird how people in the US are calling for the law to be changed so they can prosecute this guy as what he's done isnt actually illegal.
They are refering to him as an “enemy combatant”.
He's on the front of Time magazine.
Alleged rape charges.

Doesnt sound too suspiscious does it…

Look at it this way, Assagne has essentially gone upto the school bully, pulled his trousers down infront of the whole playground and the bully has responded in the only way he knows how, threats of violence..
Sarah Palin's comments were interesting. She said she wanted him hunted down like Al Qa'ida.
I can't say I think the publication of the critical assets document was a great idea - it's not as if this is some expose of some wrongdoing, but I fully support the publication of the other leaks. This witch hunt / smear campaign is really quite alarming though in any case.
I think a blogger friend of mine put it best: