Movie trailers are so yesterday

by Parm Mann on 14 December 2007, 10:48

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Just watch entire scenes instead

Who needs movie trailers when you can watch entire scenes? Well, OK, The Dark Knight trailer that sneaked online earlier today was an example of a trailer that works very well.

Are production companies moving away from trailers and toward entire scenes instead? If your movie has an exciting opening sequence, it makes perfect sense to just use such sequences as a teaser. It'll show enough to get an audience excited, and not too much to spoil anything.

The opening sequence of I Am Legend, starring Will Smith and set to air in UK theatres later this month, is now available for viewing over at Yahoo Movies.

As if that's not enough movie teasing for today, an entire five minute clip from 2008's monster thriller, Cloverfield, is also viewable below:

In case you missed it earlier, don't forget to take a look at the first five minutes of Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem and the new Dark Knight trailer.

Don't you just love being spoiled so close to Christmas?

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Surely this is to satisfy the american market much more than the UK tho?.

I try and avoid the bigger trailers/clips as much as possible to avoid spoiling the movie. Sure that might be odd, but i prefer the ones months before a film is out, giving tiny snippets, that spark the imagination (like the first Transformers ones with the beagle lander)