First look at Mulder and Scully in X-Files 2

by Parm Mann on 17 January 2008, 14:31

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The truth is still out there...isn't it?

Speaking to USA Today, Chris Carter, creator of X-Files and director of the 2008 movie, revealed some interesting details of Mulder and Scully's next outing.

Pictured below for the first time in the new movie, Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) and Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) will return to the big screen some ten years since the release of the first X-Files movie.

In an unexpected revelation, Carter told USA Today that this sequel won't continue the trend of X-Files of old, and won't set out to solve the alien conspiracy associated with the series.

"We spent a lot of time on (the mythology) and wrapped up a lot of threads" when the show went off the air in 2002, said Carter. "We want a stand-alone movie, not a mythology conspiracy one."

Plot details still remain non-existent, but we'll be eager to see what the franchise still has to offer when it returns to cinemas on August 1st in the UK.

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Oh, I think I'll put the masking tape X back up in the window :)
this sequel won't continue the trend of X-Files of old, and won't set out to solve the alien conspiracy associated with the series.

Hmm wonder if its to do with the discovery of new species again?
I can't decide whether I'm pleased or a bit depressed by this.. I was a huge fan of the original show but felt it lost its way somewhere around series 4 or 5. I tried watching the later episodes and liked Robert Patrick and the Reyes (?) lady but I felt it was missing something.. part of me expects the film to be the same.. I'll probably go and watch it though. :)
I'm with you Pollaxe, a bit unsure about this one.

But I did love the show when it was new, kinda stopped watching it for some unknown reason but it was awesome. Apart from the odd scare-you-****less episode that they'd do! :surprised:

I enjoyed the first film though so I'll continue to look forward to the second.
I can't decide whether I'm pleased or a bit depressed by this.. I was a huge fan of the original show but felt it lost its way somewhere around series 4 or 5. I tried watching the later episodes and liked Robert Patrick and the Reyes (?) lady but I felt it was missing something.. part of me expects the film to be the same.. I'll probably go and watch it though. :)

Yeah hopefully they'll go off in a new direction, there is nothing worse than flogging the dead horse for a few extra pennies.