Iron Man's Super Bowl XLII advertisement

by Parm Mann on 4 February 2008, 11:48

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Potentially promising, or just another clichéd action movie?

If Wall-E's adorable cuteness isn't for you, perhaps the Super Bowl advertisement for 2008's Iron Man will be more to your liking.

Squeezing as many CGI sequences into 30 seconds as humanly possible, the trailer shows Iron Man in all of his action glory. I must admit, the trailer does look quite promising, but then, don't they always? The concern for Iron Man is the clichéd jokes, let's hope this won't be just another fun film for the kids, Iron Man is better than that.

Share your thoughts on the Iron Main Super Bowl advertisement in the HEXUS community. Iron Man, directed by Jon Favreau, is scheduled for UK release on May 2nd 2008.

Useful links
Official Iron Man website
HD version of Super Bowl advertisement (

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