Spielberg and Lucas deliver the best Valentine's gift

by Parm Mann on 12 February 2008, 10:09

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Indiana Jones trailer set to air on Valentine's Day

Mark your calenders people, and no, not to shower your better half with gifts of love. Mark your calendars for the first trailer for 2008's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Paramount Pictures has announced that the first trailer for Indiana Jones' big screen return will air this Thursday, February 14th. It'll make its first appearance on US TV during Good Morning America but will then be available immediately on the official movie website, indianajones.com.

Needless to say, we can't wait for this one. It has been 18 years since we last saw Harrison Ford wearing the hat and whip in 1989's Last Crusade, we can't wait to see what the new trailer has in store.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull recently featured as our #2 must see movie of 2008.

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