Dirty Harry is back in Gran Torino!

by Parm Mann on 20 March 2008, 10:29

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.44 Magnum set for a return this year?

Clint Eastwood may be turning 78 in May but there's no stopping the man who personifies coolness. When the Oscar-eating director/actor announces a new product, everyone tends to take note.

Yesterday, it was revealed that Eastwood will be staring in a movie titled Gran Torino, and that the project is being fast-tracked for release by the end of the year.

With the title of the movie taking its name from a 1970's American-muscle-car, fans' thoughts immediately turned to Dirty Harry. Could Gran Torino be the sixth instalment to the Harry Callahan franchise?

Well, according to AICN, a tipster provided the following information:

"I recently advertised my 1974 ford grand torino classic original for sale in the local here, and within 24 hours had someone from Village Roadshow Pictures interested in having a look at it. He came. He wasn’t interested for numerous reasons (probably the modifications). He told me they were looking for the right car for a new Clint Eastwood movie."

"He said it was a thriller about a killer that drives a certain torino. His 1972 Ford Gran Torino is the only thing the police have on him. A retired police lieutenant, one Harry Callahan, makes it his mission to track down the culprit when two young police officers, one Callahan’s grandson, are shot and killed by the guy."

We know, it isn't concrete by any means, but doesn't it give you that fuzzy little feeling? We love to see anything that Clint makes these days, but to see him wield that .44 magnum once again - which incidentally can blow your head clean off - would be the ultimate.

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