Gears of War movie landing in 2010

by Parm Mann on 31 March 2008, 15:44

Tags: Gears of War (Movie), New Line Cinema

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Marcus Phoenix coming to the big screen

In an interview with, producer Wyck Godfrey gave the following piece of information in regards to the forthcoming Gears of War movie: "We've got our script on and a director we're about to attach. We'll hopefully make that early next year for the summer of 2010".

It'll come as music to the ears of Gears of War fans but game-based movie adaptations are often nothing more than a huge let down. With a game as popular as Gears of War however, which broke various records and sold nearly five million copies on Microsoft's Xbox 360 console, should we have any reason to believe it could actually be good?

Well, probably not. Gears of War the game had very little story itself, revolving around an event known as 'Emergence Day', which saw a race of creatures known as the Locust Horde emerge from within the Earth's surface. As is usually the case in computer games, a group of muscular US soldiers go to war against the evil creatures and that literally, is that.

As a game, it was a thoroughly enjoyable and thrilling action ride. As a movie? We're not so sure. But, who knows, maybe this year's Gears of War 2 will provide the depth that this story really needs.

Games aside, there are some small signs of promise for the movie. Writing the script for the Gears is Stuart Beattie, best known for writing movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Collateral. What we don't have yet is a director, but as Godfrey states, expect a name to be attached in the very near future.

Than of course there's a small matter of casting, who should play Marcus Phoenix? That's the question that most fans will be asking and I'm going to go out on a limb and say, why not John Travolta?

A small beard and more body armour then he could possibly carry and he'll be a Marcus Phoenix lookalike through and through.

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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Oh god….

Do they actually pay those studio bods whose job it is to come up with ideas for movies? Or did they fire them all in the strikes and get the janitor to do it instead?

John Travolta as lead?

hmmm, not so sure about that
you don't see the similarity

Think the Hexus crew have been watching a little too much Swordfish…
as long as uwe bowl doesnt touch this movie it should be fine
you don't see the similarity

Sure i see the similarity, but John travolta :s