Celebrate St George's Day with Sir Cut A Lot

by Parm Mann on 23 April 2008, 15:00

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Mow the lawn with pride this St George's Day

Today, April 23rd, is St George's Day. Traditionally, the day is celebrated by wearing a red rose in one's lapel. Alternatively, one can adorn St George's flag in some way or other.

If, however, tradition isn't your thing, you could celebrate with "Sir Cut A Lot, mower of the roundtable" - the patriotic lawnmower which is said to cut down the scourge of every Englishman - unruly lawns.

Pictured above, Sir Cut A Lot is a limited edition Robomow who'll cut the lawn all by himself whilst proudly displaying his English roots.

Designers John and Jez Hall from Mower-Magic.co.uk believe that Sir Cut A Lot is the ideal way for people to demonstrate how much they love England’s green and pleasant land.

"St George’s Day often goes unnoticed and is often quite a low key affair, not like St Patrick’s Day, so we thought we’d have some fun and give people a way of celebrating England’s patron saint all year round," comments John. "Sir Cut A Lot is patriotic, quirky and a knight in shining armour for those looking to cut down on the time they spend mowing the lawn."

The mower is a customised version of the RL1000-HD and if full of tech you wouldn't expect to find in such a device. It can cut for up to three hours, covering lawns of up to 2000m2. It packs a rain sensor, docking station, programmable drying time, theft guard and a high speed mulching system that combs grass cuttings back into the roots of the lawn.

What say you fellow patriots? Are you willing to display your English roots on your mower? If so, head over to mower-magic.co.uk where you'll find Sir Cut A Lot for a whopping £1,599.

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Hear about those kids who were sent home for painting their faces. Suppose it's racist? If it was St Patricks Day they would have probably let them.