Ghostbusters 3 confirmed - Aykroyd, Murray and Ramis to return?

by Parm Mann on 5 September 2008, 11:41

Tags: Ghostbusters 3, Columbia Pictures

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There's good news, there's great news, and then there's news of of biblical proportions. Columbia Pictures announcing plans to make Ghostbusters 3 is the latter.

That's right, the oft-rumoured third outing is happening, and the original Ghostbusting-trio of Dr. Peter Venkman (Bill Murray), Dr. Raymond Stantz (Dan Aykroyd) and Dr. Egon Spengler (Harold Ramis) are all thought to be making a return.

The news comes as Columbia Pictures, a a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment, has hired Gene Stupnitsky and Lee Eisenberg to pen the script. Unlike 1984's Ghostbusters and 1989's Ghostbusters II, Harold Ramis and Dan Ankroyd won't be taking on writing duties. Instead, Columbia has opted for Stupnitsky and Eisenberg, the duo who wrote ten episodes of the hit US series The Office.

Though none of the original cast have officially signed up, the script is thought to revolve heavily around the participation of Aykroyd, Ramis, Murray and even Ernie Hudson (Winston Zeddmore). Further fuelling hopes of a complete reunion is news of Ghostbusters I and II direction Ivan Reitman being involved in the project.

Official plot details, as you'd expect, are non-existent. But we'll let that pass for now, as this is good-enough news to make any 80's movie-fan start reciting their favourite quotes. So, who ya gonna call?

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Hope its better then GB2 - as that was a load of slime…
GB2 was fine - it's just the GB was so darn good no.2 pailed in comparison.
Probably true - and it did have Slimer :)
Didn't Dan Aykroyd say there was absolutely no chance of a third ghostbusters movie not all too long ago?
i believe actors are often changing their minds.