YouTube launches free movies

by Scott Bicheno on 27 August 2010, 12:52

Tags: YouTube (NASDAQ:GOOG)

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The bottom of the video barrel

Google-owned video sharing site YouTube has created a new part of the site where you can watch entire movies, for free, on an ad-funded model.

"This is one of many efforts to ensure that people can find all the different kinds of video they want to see, from bedroom vlogs and citizen journalism reports to full-length films and TV shows," YouTube head of video partnerships, Donagh O'Malley, told the Guardian. "We hope film lovers enjoy the range of titles in this free library, whether catching up on a mainstream hit or delving into the vast archive of classic films from decades past."

Before you get your hopes up, we must stress you're unlikely to find Avatar there anytime soon. The initial range of over 400 movies is a selection of B-movies, Bollywood and older/more obscure titles. We also suspect it will spawn a new category for movies that fail commercially: straight to YouTube.

Having said that, there are some decent titles in Youtube Movies. You can see the awesome Steve Vai show off his guitar skills in Crossroads and, in the name of research, we've been watching Bruce Lee beat 12 kinds of sh*t out of a range of hapless baddies in Fists of Fury.

But the headline title, however, has to be Autopsy: A Love Story (strapline: Charlie has just met the love of his life. Unfortunately, she is dead. Despite his efforts, Charlie can't stop the ravages of decomposition that Jane's body is going through.)

But then, what do you expect for free? Please share any other hidden gems you find in YouTube Movies with us in the thread for this story.


HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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Is it me, or are most of these of a distinctly risqué nature?
Autopsy: A Love Story (strapline: Charlie has just met the love of his life. Unfortunately, she is dead. Despite his efforts, Charlie can't stop the ravages of decomposition that Jane's body is going through.)

Cool - I might see if this is as bad as it sounds.

I will not be eating popcorn or food while watching this over the weekend.
OC Babes and the Slasher of Zombietown is an underrated film.
No no no, please no Bollywood!

Btw, some anime license by Funimation is also available - all English dubbed though
With titles such as ‘Santa Claus Conquers the Martians ’ who can say no!