But if you were in charge, what would you do?
‘Stop and Search’ Police tactics could be used to discourage people from carrying weapons and help disrupt street violence, but does this portray the UK as a Police State and you as a dictator on a power trip?
Heavy investment in the NHS to tackle staff shortages, boost training and promote better, cleaner conditions would be a sure way to improve the NHS and patients’ quality of care. But this would only come at the public’s expense through a meteoric rise in taxes. Will this win the public’s vote?

Curb EU immigration and limit resident families to one child per household to avert a population and housing crisis. But might this risk a future population crisis and deprive UK businesses of valuable and much needed skilled workers who will contribute to the nation’s overall GDP?
Still up for the job of Prime Minister?

Democracy is a political strategy game on PC from Ascaron Entertainment. Take control of countries modelled on real democratic nations such as the UK, USA, France, Germany or Sweden. As Prime Minister or President, you’ll need 50% of the vote at each election in order to remain in power. Think strategically to secure your position for as long as possible – implement controversial new policies and solve national crises to placate or rile your voters.
Democracy will be available in February 2008 from Ascaron Entertainment and we'd hazard a guess that the background to the UK version will be the British flag.