A war over oil? Nah, it wouldn't happen in real life... oh, wait....
Frontlines: Fuel of War is an open world, infantry and vehicle based FPS featuring advanced next-gen weaponry in a near future setting where controlling the planet's depleting fossil resources determines the ultimate fate of civilization.

A global war for oil is being waged between two superpowers, the Western Coalition (US/EU) and the Red Star Alliance (Russia/China). Players will be instrumental in determining how the war is waged and, hopefully, won. The single player campaign will focus on this powerful storyline as players' execute missions focused on non-linear gameplay, moving their frontline through enemy held territory.

Players will have access to over 60 next-gen vehicles and weapons inspired by military designs for the near future. This includes remote controlled drones, gun cams, and next-generation counter-measures systems, all of which are player-controllable.

Frontlines : Fuel Of War will feature advanced information sharing, so players will use high-tech combat systems to collect and relay recon, targeting, and threat information between team mates. This means you can share target acquisition between vehicle occupants, just like the Apache Longbow already does on today’s battlefields.