Cut-price Clarkson as PS3's Gran Turismo TV readies for launch

by Steven Williamson on 31 July 2008, 10:44

Tags: Gran Turismo 5, Sony Online Entertainment (NYSE:SNE), PS3, Racing

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With the worldwide launch of Gran Turismo TV all set for tomorrow, 31 July 2008, Sony bring news of a special deal for the first couple of weeks.

Gran Turismo TV is a Video-on-demand service within 'Gran Turismo 5 Prologue' offering free of charge or payable HD content. Available videos are real-life car related such as new model tests, Auto show reports, car documentaries, TV programmes such as Top Gear or special event videos.

The offer will apply to the first two weeks of the service, where users will be able to download all pay-per-view content at a discounted price of $0.99 (50p).

After the initial discounted period, content will be available to purchase from as little as $1.99 (£1).

According to the blog, Gran Turismo TV will also include new features that allow viewers to fast forward, rewind, and move between chapters when viewing video content and viewers can download up to 8 episodes simultaneously and pause individual downloads.

Anyone tuning in?

Source :: Playstation Blog

HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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I was a little disappointed when I found out that it would be PPV. I was under the impression that it was free. :(

Still, the HD footage I've seen so far is superb. :)
How can it be cut-price if the original price (BBC, Dave, iPlayer) is free?*

*disclaimer: I can't read the article due to filters, so am assuming it's about the top-gear episodes previously mentioned.
There are a couple of errors…

The offer will apply to the first two weeks of the service, where users will be able to download all pay-per-view content at a discounted price of $99 (0.50p).
So $99 = 1/2 pence?

After the initial discounted period, content will be available to purchase from as little as £1.99 (£1).
New maths! £1.99 = £1. lol.

Back to the actual article, seems a strange move considering there are alot of automotive channels already on more well established media (ie Sky, FreeSat, FreeView, BBC iPlayer). The only reason I can see this being interesting/useful is if the content covers the motor vehicles featured in Gran Tourismo.
I'm guessing it's PPV because these episodes are going out worldwide. It's also in HD - so might be worth buying a few just for TG in HD, because lets face it the camera work on TG is second to none.

Don't forget we'll be getting Best Motoring as well. Gotta love their battle races with all the supercars. :)

Still not happy at having to pay mind…

Bout time they released the Top Gear track too!
It is cut-price because it's normally a service that they charge more for, but you're totally right in saying that its free elsewhere. I guess you're paying for convenience,erm, I suppose and they'll be hoping to appeal to the Gran Turismo crowd who they hope will be desperate for some motor action when they've finished playing.