Boy diagnosed with Playstation addiction
by Steven Williamson
on 27 November 2008, 12:45
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According to the report on Ananova, the doctors at Lecce hospital in Italy initially thought that Lorenzo Amato had suffered a severe brain disorder, but on closer examination, and after finding out that he'd been playing on his Playstation in what's described as a 'marathon' session, he was diagnosed with Playstation addiction! We presume they didn't come that conclusion lightly.
"If I even think about it [Playstation] I want to throw up," said the boy.
After speaking with doctors, a local politician commented: "They eventually managed to take care of him once they understood that this was a strange kind of mental detachment connected to his Playstation."
The news comes following The Times report that a 16-year-old boy from Sweden was taken to hospital after collapsing following a 24-hour session on the new World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King expansion.
Times Online reports:
"They played all day and all night. Maybe they got a few hours of sleep. They ate a little food and breakfast at their computers," the boy's father told the Kvällsposten newspaper in Sweden.
Doctors told the father that his son's bodily systems had been disrupted by a combination of sleep deprivation, lack of food, and the prolonged period of concentration playing the game.
The moral of the story: Get some fresh air and a social life.
Source :: Times Online