Get Sensible on Xbox Live Wednesday

by Steven Williamson on 18 December 2007, 08:55

Tags: Sensible World of Soccer, Codemasters, Wii, Sports

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Classic soccer title and classic shooter on Xbox 360

Finally, the day has almost arrived! Xbox live subscribers can get their hands on the Sensible World of Soccer via the Xbox live marketplace this Wednesday, 19th December at 9:00 a.m. GMT.

You'll be glad to hear that the game will keep of of its original touches as well as enhancing certain gameplay elements to improve the experience. For the first time to all-new online multiplayer modes allowing players globally to take up the challenge and compete in intense online football matches in true Sensible Soccer style. The game also includes both original & updated custom graphics modes from the original designer of SWOS allowing players to experience the game in High Definition.

Also this Wednesday you'll be able to download Tempest, a classic shooter that requires quick reflexes.

Sensible World of Soccer: available for 800 MS Points

Tempest: available for 400 MS Points

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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at last!!!!!!!!!
Exactly how I feel! I'm straight on that, no messing.
Tempest is the one for me - not that bothered for Sensi!
and where are they!