Worth the subs?
While PvE play is great for building up your character, PvP play is where the real DC Universe Online experience lies and where it should evolve. Here, it’s all-out war on a massive scale, and an intimidating place to be if you’re a low level character surrounded by powerful players who won't think twice before wiping you off the face of the earth. However, there’s still some slowdown, as well as the risk of being kicked out as servers struggle to cope with the amount of action on screen at one time. We've also experienced times when our fireballs haven't caused any damage and even seen superheroes and villains appearing as nothing but black silhouettes on screen. However, we’ve come to expect this from MMOs in their infancy and DCUO is actually a lot more stable and glitch-free than many games of this ilk that we’ve played this early in its life cycle - and since we've written this review there's already been patches to improve client and server stablity, issues with character warping, and screen freezing.So, the future bodes fairly well for DCUO, though it's hard to second guess how things will pan out six months down the line. Overall, we've had a reasonably good time flying through the skies of Gotham City raining down fireballs on our arch-enemies and meeting up with some of the community, who do seem to be enjoying the whole experience. However, our free one month subscription is due to run out shortly, and there's currently not enough content, variety, or excitement to encourage us to stump up for the £9.99 monthly fee just yet. That could very well change though, and we'll be keeping our eye on DCUO to see how things progress. It has been worth the initial outlay for the game though. If you're tempted to don a pair of lycra leggings and go kill some baddies for the good of the universe then it's worth a punt.