Multiplayer madness
The multiplayer aspect of Rainbow 6: Vegas takes the game to another level. The four player co-op mode allows you to play with friends and pull off a whole range of strategic manoeuvres that couldn’t be done in single player, the maps are excellent (although we already want more!) and the customisation functions are excellent.
Calypso Casino is a superb multiplayer level. The map is big, but the action mainly focuses around the casino floor or area of the objective. If you work as a team you can try and block off as many routes as possible and working together is certainly more rewarding then playing solo. The same goes for all the maps in multiplayer; they are designed to ensure that the amount of tactical options available are limitless.
Before you jump into a multiplayer match you can select the template that’s best suited to your gameplay. There are four templates to choose from: Recon, Assault, Demo and Sniper. So if you’re the sort of person who enjoys finding an area on high ground and camping, you could choose the sniper option; you’ll have a PSG1, MK23, and some smoke and frag grenades. As you progress through the game you’ll be able to unlock more sniper rifles and more weapons or pick up weapons from any opposition that you’ve killed. The range of weapons allows you to pick and choose your style, and like the best Rainbow 6 games, you’ll soon have your favourite which you’ll stick with time and time again. Weapons also have upgradeable items such as laser scopes for snipers which improve your targeting ability!

Now that the patch has arrived to iron out those annoying bugs, we can look forward to some sleepless nights playing Rainbow 6: Vegas.
Both online and offline the Rainbow 6 series is the best it has ever been. The single player Rainbow 6: Vegas campaign is short, but is intensely satisfying and online the great maps, stunning gameplay and vibrant community make it the ultimate team game of the year.
Great map design
Responsive AI
Best covering system used in a game
Customisable weapons
Superb graphics and audio
Too short
The ending is weak
The Rainbow 6 franchise is back on top form with the best multiplayer game of the year and an engaging single player campaign.