Amazon's Kindle smartphone design to include six cameras?

by Mark Tyson on 24 March 2014, 15:15

Tags: Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN), PC

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Speculation over an Amazon Kindle smartphone and they way it will be marketed have hit the HEXUS headlines a few times before. However we now hear, from a prominent mobile devices analyst, that the major USP of the smartphone won't be a giveaway price with bundled services but its 3D sensory control system - like a Kinect or Leap Motion. The timescale for the Amazon smartphone launch is between three to six months from now.

Tech site BGR got hold of a note penned by KGI Securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo to his investor clients late last week. "We predict Amazon (US) will launch its own brand smartphone in 3-6 months, using the same hardware strategy as used for its e-reader and tablet," wrote Kuo. "The supply chain will start stocking up materials in 2Q14 for production. We estimate required components will amount to 700k-1.2mn units, and assembly to 300-600k units. Related suppliers will start to see benefits in 2Q14."

I've compiled a table of the specifications that Kuo has indicated will be part of the upcoming Amazon Kindle smartphone:

  • Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 801
  • Screen: 4.7-inches, 300-320 ppi
  • Cameras: 13MP main camera supplied by Sony, 2MP user facing camera and four other camera units "for gesture control"
  • Chassis: plastic
  • Battery: 2,000-2,400mAh

The 'gesture control' aspect of the Kindle phone is said to be in place to provide a way to make it stand out from the crowd. We also expect the bundling of Amazon e-commerce services into the device to help market the hardware at a keen price. The spec list gives some hope that the device will have some decent middle-market smartphone features beyond the gesture control USP.

As mentioned in the intro, the new smartphone is expects to be launched between June and September this year. Amazon is reading its supply chain with as many as 600,000 units prepared for launch time. BGR notes that it has independent sources that have confirmed some of the Kindle smartphone specs mentioned by KGI Securities.

It's interesting to see Amazon back a USP of gesture control as news comes in that Leap Motion is laying off 10 per cent of its workforce following disappointing sales of its gesture controller in recent months.

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Six cameras on the Kindlephone - is that so if you're using it on the train, it can pop up a message saying what other people around you are watching/playing?

Bad attempts at humour aside, I'm not enthused by this. First off, it's a Kindle, so “sort of” Android and no Play store (unless you raid xda of course).

Secondly, gesture control sounds like the kind of thing that's been done to look good on marketing. Gesture control makes sense on a desktop PC, or for Kinect, where you've got two hands available. But typically you'll be holding your phone in one hand, meaning that you're limited to one handed gestures only. And there's only a limited number of those - basically scrolling and selecting.

So in summary, with iPhone and Android we got treated to sight of folks talking to themselves like the deranged. Now we're going to add to that mental illness theme by having Kindlephone users - to quote the lyrics of Word Up
Wave your hands in the air like you don't care
Glide by the people as they start to look and stare
Very appropriate!

(By the way, nothing in that last paragraph above is intended to poke fun at mental illness, or those unfortunate enough to be afflicted by it - I have nothing but contempt for those “people” that do treat it as a source of amusement)
I agree, can't see the benefit of having gesture control on a mobile phone. I try to avoid buying Amazon if I can anyway and there is nothing about this device that has me changing my opinion there.
With 6 cameras perhaps it comes with a parking app too?!