Samsung launches two WP7.5 phones in the US

by Scott Bicheno on 12 September 2011, 16:19

Tags: Samsung (005935.KS)

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A press release from US telco AT&T reveals the names and some details of two new Windows Phone handsets - running the latest ‘Mango' version, otherwise known as 7.5 - from Samsung. This is the first official confirmation we've seen of these devices.

The top-end one is called the Focus S over there. It has a 4.3 inch screen, a 1.4GHz SoC and has ‘4G-capable speeds', whatever that means. It is the evolution of the original Focus, launched last year, which it what we've used in the image for this story as AT&T hadn't got it together to provide an image of the new one at time of writing.

The other handset is called the Samsung Focus Flash, and its market positioning is belied by AT&T's claim that it's ‘packed with value'. This one has a 3.7 inch screen, but still manages a 1.4GHz SoC and, of course WP7.5.

That's about it for now, other than to note that this launch comes amid rumour that Samsung is going to pull out of the WP7 market by the end of 2012. It comes from a solitary tweet from SamFirmware, so it's pretty far from official right now, but it does serve as a reminder of how changeable the mobile platform environment is right now.

These handsets join recent Mango launches from HTC, and will doubtless be joined by an LG one before long. It will be interesting to see which other WP7 OEMs come out of the woodwork, considering the aggro associated with Android right now, but there's a very real danger that all these launches will be rendered old news when Nokia's WP7 phone finally launches towards the end of this year.


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