The Quest for 1GHz - Part 3

by David Ross on 7 September 2000, 00:00

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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The Quest for 1GHz - Part 3

Intel Celeron II @ 1,002 MHz the first one. I like using CTP2INFO because it just tells it like it is. Notice that it did have a little bit of trouble trying to figure out what kind of CPU it was. OK, on to… Intel Celeron II @ 1,002MHz shot of my desktop in Windows ME (BETA) a side note: Notice the SBA (Side band addressing) is disabled. I contacted Guillemot about this and their service rep. explained to me, in broken English, that this feature (SBA) is no longer being used on their Video cards (3D Prophet II GTS) because they replaced it with some new type of addressing or something to that nature. Though I couldn’t follow what their rep. was saying (broken English) he did seem extremely knowledgeable and very helpful. I wonder if all the new Ge Force Cards have this disabled as well? Well, moving on…. for the next page of how to hit a Gig