Gameshow to Game Play
Speaking to David Wadhwani, general manager and vice president of the platform business unit at Adobe, Kim said he believed flash would play a key role in the next TV experience, as Adobe has a huge community of developers behind it.
Kim showed off a rather attractive looking TV navigation model, apparently made on full flash 10, whilst Wadhwani told the audience about his firm's Open screen project which hoped to allow users to watch and play with media across various different devices. "Users really value a uniform experience," he noted, adding somewhat cheesily that Intel and Adobe shared "the same vision across screens." The firms expect Adobe Flash Player 10 to be available in H1 of 2010 for Intel media processor-based CE devices.
Kim explained that channel navigation was still the biggest issue when it came to TV and said Intel was working on ways to help couch potatoes find new shows, so they wouldn't have to get up off their backsides and actually buy a TV guide in a "hi-tech hide and seek".
Spreading the TV love to even more preposterous levels, Kim also brought onstage Vikas Gupta, the President and CEO of a company called Transgaming. Intel and Gupta apparently believe people will really want to play rather naff, cell phone like games with bad graphics on their televisions, obviously quite ignorant to the fact that anyone who does indeed want to play games on their TV already owns a console. Sigh.
Still, one never knows what might be trendy in 2010, and perhaps Intel is right to think consumers will want to sit at home antisocially playing "World of goo" as they watch an endless stream of widgets and customised ads flit across the screen, whilst simultaneously chatting to fellow antisocial couch potatoes via video cam.
Sure sounds like Intel is doing its utmost to keep TV the simple pleasure we all know and love, doesn't it?