Samsung's 60GHz Wi-Fi can offer up to 4.6Gbps data transfers

by Mark Tyson on 13 October 2014, 13:35

Tags: Samsung (005935.KS)

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Samsung has announced that it has overcome the barriers to making 60GHz Wi-Fi practical and open to commercialisation. It says that this technology will boost the maximum Wi-Fi data transmission speeds fivefold. Illustrating the speed on offer with real world examples, the South Korean company said that using its 60GHz tech a 1GB file could be transmitted in under 3 seconds and even uncompressed HD videos could be streamed to devices in real-time.

The best current Wi-Fi transmission speeds you can hope for are 866Mbps, or 108MB per second but Samsung's new 60GHz Wi-Fi technology enables data transmission speeds of up to 4.6Gbps, or 575MB per second. The faster transfer rates are achieved as, unlike the existing 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi tech, "Samsung's 802.11ad standard 60GHz Wi-Fi technology maintains maximum speed by eliminating co-channel interference, regardless of the number of devices using the same network," we are told.

Previously 60GHz Wi-Fi technology wasn't a viable solution due to weak penetration properties and path loss susceptibility but Samsung's circuit, modem and antenna designs came together to create "the highest quality, commercially viable 60GHz Wi-Fi technology". The "world's first micro beam-forming control technology" also played an important part in the solution.

Samsung says that it will be developing its 60GHz Wi-Fi tech to work in a "wide range of products," including A/V, telecoms and IoT devices. The first such products could be commercialised as early as next year it says. "New and innovative changes await Samsung’s next-generation devices, while new possibilities have been opened up for the future development of Wi-Fi technology," summed up Kim Chang Yong, Head of DMC R&D Centre at Samsung Electronics.

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Ultimate XBMC;3392817
“1GB file could be transmitted in under 3 seconds”

How does any standard consumer tech cache that much data that quickly?

It's just advertising speak isn't it? It's a theoretical maximum but at any push on technology is a good thing. My thoughts would be to be enable wide reaches with wifi, or superior wall penetration instead of faster speeds. But I'm not picky :p
4.6Gbps… maybe I'm missing something, unless it connects into a pci express socket or similar we can only get 1Gbps of that at best due to gigabit lan limitations. Not to mention I've yet to see the current 802.11n/ac etc hit anywhere near their advertised speeds. Then there is hard drive/ssd speeds to consider….
Ultimate XBMC;3392817
“1GB file could be transmitted in under 3 seconds”

How does any standard consumer tech cache that much data that quickly?

With RAM? Not that I think 4.6GHz wifi is at all necessary. I'd much sooner see 10GigE commoditised for consumers, where you'd be guaranteed high performance networking.
nice,soon we will have those HDD with AP Wifi with decent transfer speed
At the risk of getting all Carry On, it's penetration we need, not speed.

These kinds of headline speeds are great if you live in a paper thin walled building, but if you've got a couple of inches o' brick and lord knows how many copper pipes etc then you're onto a hiding to nothing. Never mind 4.6Gbps, I'd just like to be able to have a WLAN that delivered a constant 200Mbps which is, what, about 5%.

Getting comfy on my soapbox, what is it with these companies and the speed/thinness headlines. Am I the only one that'd prefer a slower speed that could actually be delivered reliably over 20-30m in a typical western house? And phones should have decent sized batteries, not After Eight mint style so you can get a mobile that you can use to jimmie a lock, or is the end game to be able to shave with your mobile? Now, there's convergence!

Yes, I'm in a bad mood… :( And I've got a Nokia N95 round here somewhere - now there's a proper phone, heavy enough to stick in a sock and use for muggings.