LaCie teams up with Noctua to silence storage solutions

by Parm Mann on 11 December 2008, 11:01

Tags: 5big Network, Lacie (EPA:LAC)

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Storage-specialist LaCie announced its 5big Network just two months ago and promised it'd be 37 per cent quieter than previous solutions.

We're all for improved acoustics, particular when it comes to external storage solutions, but LaCie's lower noise output wasn't just magic. As it turns out, the U.S. manufacturer has teamed up with Austrian cooling specialist Noctua.

Together, they've been working to quieten LaCie's products and with the use of Noctua's NF-P12 fan - complete with Vortex-Control Notches - devices such as the 5big Network are said to be 60 per cent quieter in standby mode and 15 per cent quieter during read/write.

The tag-team effort results in solutions that are ideal for those who value quiet working environments, says LaCie.

Just the 4big Quadra and 5big Network utilise Noctua cooling at present, but we can expect the Austrian team's cooling solutions to appear in various other products in future.

Official press release: LaCie and Noctua team up to create quiet RAID solutions