Review: Corsair Hydro Series H100i

by Parm Mann on 28 December 2012, 09:00 4.5

Tags: Corsair

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Final Thoughts and Rating

Cooling performance has been improved, it's aesthetically more attractive, installation has never been so simple, and through Corsair Link, a whole new level of customisation is available right out of the box.

Corsair's taken its time in producing a successor to the much-loved H100, but the new-and-improved H100i has been well worth the wait.

Design constraints prevent the H100i from being revolutionary - there's only so much you can do with a pump attached to a 240mm radiator in a closed loop - but upgrades in every meaningful area make the H100i a genuinely-better product.

Cooling performance has been improved, it's aesthetically more attractive, installation has never been so simple, and through Corsair Link, a whole new level of customisation is available right out of the box.

This is Corsair's best liquid cooler to date, but let's not forget the obvious; you have to be a certain type of consumer to even consider the H100i. For most PC users (myself included), there are plenty of air-cooled alternatives that cost half as much, perform perfectly well and run extremely quiet.

Corsair's latest and greatest is all about pushing the boat out, and if you absolutely must have the best all-in-one liquid-cooling solution that money can buy, look no further than the Hydro Series H100i.

The Good

Excellent cooling performance
Great build quality
Corsair Link built-in
Good level of fan-speed control
Five-year warranty

The Bad

£90 is a lot of money for a cooler

HEXUS Rating

Corsair Hydro Series H100i

HEXUS Awards

Corsair Hydro Series H100i

HEXUS Where2Buy

The Corsair Hydro Series H100i CPU cooler is available to purchase from Scan Computers*.

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

*UK-based HEXUS community members are eligible for free delivery and priority customer service through the forum.

HEXUS Forums :: 10 Comments

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I wonder is these models will have the issues like the last ones where due to a manufacturing defect you would get air bubbles within the closed cooling system… :S
will be a much better product, once corsair figure out a way to properly fix the problem with the fan controller which has most owners having to run their fans from the mobo instead..
I think the Corsair H100i if one of the most appealing liquid coolers on the market it has so much to offer its just something I would consider buying!
Excellent cooling performance
Great build quality
“Corsair Link built-in” One of my favorite options to the Corsair H100i
Good level of fan-speed control
Five-year warranty
Great review evan gave me an idea on where to mount it in my case!
H100 is staying in my rig until the reviews of the Cooler Master comes out !
I think if they overclocked it a little bit more the h100 would really start to pull away from the competition. On a side note good on Corsair for not raising the price of the h100i way above the h100 just because of incremental improvements.