HEXUS.gaming :: Battlefield: Bad Company


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It's big and it's bad and you can blow things up. The next in line from the Battlefield series promises new dimensions in gameplay. But then again, don't they all?

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I've never been into Battlefield, but it looks like they might have a pretty neat engine to license out.

Of course, the next revisions to Source (after HL2: Ep2 - if it ever comes out) may well follow suit.
Looks really good, looking forward to destructible scenery in multiplayer, should stop those bloody campers on rooftops if you level the building :D
Looks really good, looking forward to destructible scenery in multiplayer, should stop those bloody campers on rooftops if you level the building :D

Yep, it does sound intriguing but, mind you, the destructive side of the surrounding area will be severely chopped up due to the not-so-great system specifications on everyone's rigs (CoD2,GRAW and a couple of others failed miserably in the attempt to even up the the graphics side of the game for everybody) However the overall perspective is all good and we may be seeing EA finally doing a proper tittle that's not affected by the company's idea of 'appealing to everybody and making a yet another crappy 3-year-olders + game that's essentially an expansion set.
I reeeeeeeeeeeally hope EA make a good job of this, seriously. This can be like the best game ever if they don't follow the trend of the previous BF games, namely BF2 until it reached the 1.41 patch, where it's not so bad now but at a level I can settle upon.

lol, it's refreshing to see a trailer like that, game looks gorgeous.
Great trailer, can''t wait till it does come out but what I want to know is “how did that shotgun shoot the bricks so that that it recoiled back to the shooter that far when it aimed the second shot?”