Is Nick the Proto-Type?


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A true "focus-pulling, motion-bluring, akshun-packed mega adventure" is what every smart first person shooter game... would love to claim. Over in Leipzig, Nick morphed his pen-hand into a scalpel to disect Sierra's latest offering.

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Looks like an awesome game.

There seems to be a load of good games coming out in the near future. :)
T1000 anyone? Looks pretty cool and more Crackdownesque gameplay is welcome.
…a load of good games coming out in the near future…
I think you're right

Near future - and beyond

Developers really have not got a clue with DX10 right now

There will be benefits - but it will take time for them to exploit them

I think the right analogy is ‘language’

Even if someone came along with ‘English 2.0’ that is up to 30% better than ‘regular English’ for communication tomorrow…

…it would take YEARS before writers actually started to script using the ‘new and improved version’

In the immortal words of Pat Travers, all things being equal, people tend to ‘Go For What They Know’

DX9 had been around for a while, when Rockstar/Remedy launched the massively sucessful and (largely DX8) title, MAX PAYNE II: The Fall of Max Payne

We have more coming on the gaming side next week - and will also begin to take a look under the surface of games in general - and the ‘ultra cool new stuff’ in particular :)
Andrzej, you think you could make it when at the start of the vid when the earth is spinning round wuth the ‘crosshair’ type thing you could make the ‘crosshair’ go to the country that the report is from? And say Leipzig or where ever the place that your reporting from is?

Think it would look pretty cool.

So for this one it would land on Germany, Leipzig and then zoom onto a smiling Nick outside the building.
…make the ‘crosshair’ go to the country that the report is from…


Luv the idea…

…but, given how we move around, I reckon that would need ‘full time in house Flash talent’

I'll add it near the top of the wish list :naughty: