Nick plays so hard, he actually gets WET


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It's hard to suprise a battle-honed warrior like Nick, but Sierra have ganged-up with A2M in order to create 'something wonderful' in the 3rd person shooter genre. Intrigued by the game's title, Nick flew all the way to Leipzig's Game Convention to firm up his report...

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HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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Glorious looking game :mrgreen:

One the one hand - ‘nothing new’ - but on the other hand - ‘nice and fresh’


Would have put this up last night - but decided that the 'Intro to Games Convention' was a good idea

Fabulous looking game.:)
So it's hitman with something other than a middle aged man to stare at?

I'm sold.
So it's Tomb Raider without the fluffiness and loads of blood and gore?

I'm sold :)

btw - Damn the video streams fast - whats the link on it as I got to 100% before the intel intro even started
Looks like it might be fun - have to say that I thought the action seemed very Equilibrium-y - not that that's a bad thing at all.