HEXUS.gaming :: Clapton-Like Guitar in Under 5 Minutes?


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Nick and the HEXUS.tv crew (i.e. us - his bag carrying flunkies) were invited down to the launch party for Jam Sessions on the Nintendo DS. Ubisoft's Product Manager Mike Masuku was on hand to explain the technology and let it rip, live, on camera !

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You have to see this device in action to believe it :)

Not saying that Slash, Edge and Strummin are in any danger…

…but it does let kids (any of us!) pick up a DS and play along with their favourite song in minutes

We'll do a follow up that looks in-depth at the product itself…

…but it was funny seeing grown adults looking ‘stiff and formal’ when first handed a unit by one of the tech-demo-ladies…

…and then, 2 beers and a practice later, getting ‘well into it’ !

Makes you wonder how Nintendo keep plugging into something in the human psyche that others often miss…

Jam Sessions is the best thing since Guitar Hero.:rockon2:
That looks like great fun.
looks fine could have done with hearing more though rather than yap yap yap , the intel ads were longer
…hearing more though rather than yap yap yap…

“Yap is crap” - Pumpman has spoken !

<pulls out more tape - edits furiously - promises more of the product in action within 2 hours>