Tiff Needell talks about Mansell, Mario Kart and BTCC


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At the Nintendo launch of Mario Kart on the Wii, Fifth Gear's Tiff Needell talks to HEXUS.tv about Mario Kart, burning down the Top Gear Warehouse and <b>that</b> Mansell crash...

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nice interview!
Nick, how much caffeine had you ingested? You seemed rather more excitable than usual :D

Now that Needell's owned up to burning down Top Gear's shed, we need some comments from Clarkson :)
Awesome interview :)
Good interview :) although why was Tiff in racing overalls?! Is he going to spontaneously combust?!
Cracking interview and I can see you tried to raise your game while interviewing a TV pro :)

Was he whispering words of encouragement and passing tips to you after the video was recorded, or was he worried that his job was in danger :lol: ?