Nvidia achieves record revenue, up 16 per cent year on year

by Mark Tyson on 7 November 2014, 11:05


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Nvidia has released its third quarter financial results and they show that the graphics focussed chipmaker appears to be in very good health. Highlights of the results include a record revenue figure of $1.23 billion during the three months. That represents a 16 per cent increase in revenue year on year. EPS are up to 31 cents compared to 20 cents a year ago.

The most recent quarter saw Nvidia launch flagship GeForce GTX GPUs for gaming based upon Maxwell, its 10th generation GPU architecture. We covered the launch here on HEXUS and have reviewed several examples of the new GTX 980 and GTX 970 Maxwell architecture graphics cards.

Nvidia says that other highlights of the quarter include Maxwell processors being integrated into its Quadro lineup, Tesla's success in the big data environment, early access opening for Nvidia GRID and the Google Nexus 9 and Nvidia Shield tablets being powered by the Tegra K1 processor. Interestingly Nvidia also claims that there are now six million cars on the road with Nvidia powered infotainment systems.

"Nvidia's focus on creating visual computing platforms for datacentre, mobile and PC drove record revenue this quarter," said Jen-Hsun Huang , president and chief executive officer of Nvidia. "Growth drivers have kicked in for us on several fronts. High-performance computing, virtualization and web service providers have created demand for our GPU-accelerated datacentre platforms. Automakers are using Tegra to help reinvent the driving experience. And our new Maxwell architecture is a giant leap forward that has triggered a major upgrade cycle by PC gamers."

Looking at the numbers, while success was indeed seen on several fronts the Tegra business looks to be the star of the show this time. Tegra sales were up 51 per cent from a year ago. That result was helped along by that staggering amount of car infotainment systems detailed above – said to have doubled from a year ago. However it is noted that Tegra margins are lower than on most other Nvidia products.

Looking ahead the financials don't give us any juicy morsels about upcoming products, which sometimes happens, but just provides expectations about revenue for Q4 (expected to be around $1.2 billion) and margins and expenses.

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