Intel appoints rap star ‘director of creative innovation’

by Scott Bicheno on 25 January 2011, 19:11

Tags: Intel (NASDAQ:INTC)

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Peas and chips

Intel has sought to improve its street cred by appointing Black Eyed Peas front man to the role of ‘director of creative innovation'.

He has an insatiable fascination with technology, according to the press release, and is engaging in a multi-year collaboration with the chip giant.

"Nearly everything I do involves processors and computers, and when I see an Intel chip I think of all the creative minds involved that help to amplify my own creativity," said "Teaming up with the scientists, researchers and computer programmers at Intel to collaborate and co-develop new ways to communicate, create, inform and entertain is going to be amazing."

What, precisely, is going to contribute to chip design is unclear, with Intel CMO Deborah Conrad apparently not sure herself. "Our partnership with is a prime example of how we want to convey and deliver the Intel experience. It's imperative that Intel and our innovations are kept in front of the global youth culture that embraces new devices and new forms of communication and entertainment."

So Intel has brought in 35-year-old to help it get down with the kidz. Cynicism aside, this seems to be an admission by Intel that it's in danger of getting left behind as future generations move to mobile devices as their primary computing devices, few of which currently use Intel chips.

In other news Microsoft has announced Justin Bieber is its new VP of irritating haircuts.

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Are you serious?
Whoa Whoa Whoa,
35yo….35 YEAR OLD To help reach the kids….? Also, “It's imperative that Intel and our innovations are kept in front of the global youth culture that embraces new devices and new forms of communication and entertainment.” Are they not already doing this? Last i checked Intel was rocking the earth and all economies.
I might send them my CV
Words fail me.

Can we look forward to the new CherylBridge next year?
Intel have money to burn apparently. There's a shocker.