Diabolique - Licence to Sin

by Nick Haywood on 18 November 2005, 21:35

Tags: Playlogic, Shoot 'em up

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Diabolique - Licence to Sin

Diabolique - Licence to Sin

Playlogic Entertainment have released some screenshots from their upcoming 3rd person shooter, Diabolique – Licence to sin, currently in development by Metropolis Software. Diablolique sees you as one of Hell's agents, ordered to stop Heaven's agency and bring back the balance between good and evil.

In Diabolique – Licence to sin you serve the boss of all bosses. You're the best intelligence agent and a devil straight from hell. With high-tech gadgets, unique weapons and your own special abilities, you have to fight against the agents of light, to ensure the balance between the forces from heaven and hell - or the whole world will no longer be like it is today.

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Playlogic and Metropolis are promising something special with the storyline with a load of twists and turns in the plot covering six enormous missions over a series of diverse locations and plenty of varied gameplay. They also say that the game will be taking advantage of the latest gaming hardware with SM 3.0 in full effect to give real time soft shadows, FSE and all the new bells and whistles.

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Diabolique - Licence to Sin is scheduled for an Autumn 2006 release on PC and Xbox 360.