Rainbow 6: Vegas lead designer talks to HEXUS.gaming

by Steven Williamson on 31 October 2006, 12:33

Tags: Shoot 'em up

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Downloadable content on its way and talk of the Xbox live achievments

HEXUS: What plans are there for downloadable content?
J.P: I think downloadable content is extremely important, and although nothing has been announced yet, it’s something that the Clancy games have been keen to get involved in. They want to establish themselves as a brand that listens to the community, follows-up on its games and makes improvements in each series. I think Vegas is no different in the sense that it will be receptive to its community when it comes to the content that will be available.

HEXUS: We understand that you’ll be using the Xbox live marketplace in ways no other game has, can you give us more details?
J.P: I still can’t reveal anymore on that. I’ll leave it to your imagination, but when you take a customisation system like we have in Vegas and you look at all the different possibilities, the marketplace options become phenomenally bigger. I’ll leave it at that.

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HEXUS: What Xbox live achievements are there in store?
J.P: There is a ton of achievements in Rainbow 6: Vegas. We’re rewarding a whole bunch of different things as incentives for people to try out new settings and features. If you play co-op terrorist hunt with a friend, if you play a certain game mode or if you make the most kills with a certain type of weapons you’ll unlock and achievement. There are even achievements for simple things such as scanning your face with the webcam.

HEXUS: What feature are you most proud of?
J.P: We’re really proud of the Vision camera feature. It was easy to implement and it’s great in the sense that you can play with your friends, it’s not just a faceless game.

In MP the attack and defend game is the bread and butter of RB6 multiplayer because it’s a team based mode where you have to work with your team; you’re going to get killed going off on your own.

HEXUS: Thanks very much for you time
J.P: No problem, my pleasure.

We’ll be expanding on the interview in our hands-on preview later today, including more information on the maps, game modes and features. We'll let you know exactly what we think of the multiplayer gameplay.We’ll also let you know how we got on with the Xbox live vision camera face-mapping and tell you more about those secretive Xbox live achievements.

UPDATE : Hands-on multiplayer preview is now live.

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Thanks for an interesting article. As a long time Rainbow Six fan I'm really looking forward to this game—I own all the Xbox versions. The only thing that worries me is this
HEXUS: We understand that you’ll be using the Xbox live marketplace in ways no other game has, can you give us more details?
J.P: I still can’t reveal anymore on that. I’ll leave it to your imagination, but when you take a customisation system like we have in Vegas and you look at all the different possibilities, the marketplace options become phenomenally bigger. I’ll leave it at that.
This really give me pause. It's acceptable to pay for extra maps that extend the life of an already satisfying game—it's something quite different to pay extra for in-game accessories, such as weapons and armour. It's especially concerning if bought accessories give players advantages in-game as opposed to simple cosmetic customisation. Oblivion and Chrome Hounds already allow the purchase of additional accessories for $ and it's not hard to see a time when you get only basic content with a game off the shelf and need to pay extra to get a decent experience.

I really hope I'm just imagining the worst here, but if R6V exhibits exploitive Marketplace practices I'll think carefully about a purchase and many members of my clan will boycott the game altogether. After all it's not like there aren't a heap of great shooters imminent on the platform.

Tread carefully, Ubisoft.