Medal of Honor Airbourne - Q&A - Xbox 360 and PC

by Steven Williamson on 3 November 2006, 09:04

Tags: Medal of Honor: Airborne, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Shoot 'em up

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Customisable weapons and true trigger

5. How much choice does the player have when landing?
Where we wanted to give players maximum control of the jump, it was also very important to us that the gameplay was accurate.

The net result is that, from the moment your chute pops, you have full steering control. The player can land anywhere they want, and the battle will unfold from there. You can land on rooftops, in back alleys, on top of the primary objective, pretty much wherever you want.

You can also flare your chute to slow your descent, which you need to do if you want to be able to get into combat quickly.

If you get a botched landing, you will go down hard, lose some health, and have to stand, unclip, and draw your weapon before you get into combat just like would have happened historically. Depending upon the enemies in the area you land, that can be the difference between life and death. The level layout is all about freedom. The AI works well with a branching factor of 3, which is to say there are three entrances/exits to almost every location in a mission. There are also multiple secret paths to the rooftops, which are also playable and from the there you can leap from one roof to another.

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6. Tell us about the customisable weapons feature.
Historically, there were a variety of upgrades, field modifications and customizations used by soldiers in WWII, so the accuracy and real-world analogs are all in place. As far as how it works in game, there are really two things a player has to do in order to use an upgrade.

First, the player needs a proficiency rating with the weapon he wants to upgrade. Proficiency ratings come in several levels, again according to the military standard of recognizing experts, marksmen and sharpshooters across various weapon types. Second, the player needs to actually find the upgrade in a dropped supply bundle, dropped as a trophy held by an enemy, or squirreled away by the local resistance. Once you have both the upgrade and the proficiency to use it, you can apply it to your weapon. This means that players will have to invest in their proficiency with a select few weapons, and make choices about which weapon they want to make most powerful.

An example of this would be a forward pistol grip to the Thompson therefore upgrading the gun to carry a 50 round magazine or you can use a Natts Compensator, which pumped gas upward to offset the affects of recoil dramatically affecting the accuracy of the gun when firing multiple rounds.

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7. What is True Trigger?
True Trigger is a feature that allows the player to slowly squeeze the trigger to find the 2nd Stage of the trigger to help them experience focusing in on target. When perfectly executed, a perfectly accurate shot will happen. This is a skill that players should be able to master and once done so the really good players should be able to always execute perfect shots relatively quickly.

8. Does the game have a multiplayer mode?
Yes the game will have a multiplayer mode. It will include around 7 Maps, 12-15 players or more and primarily Death-match focused. Stay tuned for more details.

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