Elder Scrolls Online in development?

by Steven Williamson on 2 November 2007, 09:41

Tags: The Elder Scrolls IV, PC, Xbox 360, PS3, MMOG

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It's been unearthed that the parent company of Bethseda Softworks,ZeniMax Media, the guys behind the popular Elder Scrolls series, have recently purchased a website domain entitled 'ELDERSCROLLSONLINE.COM'. So, it makes complete sense that they must be planning an MMO based on the role-playing series...right?

Well, not necessarily, but it is bound to happen, isn't it? It's an evolutionary step for the series. Where can they possibly go and improve on the epic Elder Scrolls V: Oblivion?

Bethseda are yet to comment on the news, but back in February, the studio's VP of PR and marketing Pete Hines did say say the company would only take on the challenge if they could find a fresh idea and something that no one has ever tried before.

It's interesting that only last week, ZeniMax Media received a $300 million investment from providence equity partners to help "finance massively multiplayer games"

Check out the full press release::

October 25, 2007 – ZeniMax Media Inc. today announced the closing of a $300 million investment by Providence Equity Partners Inc. for convertible preferred stock of the Company. The proceeds of the investment will be used to fund future growth, increase game development and publishing, facilitate acquisitions, and finance massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs).

ZeniMax Media was founded in 1999 by Robert A. Altman, its Chairman and CEO, and through wholly owned subsidiaries creates and publishes original interactive entertainment content for gaming consoles (including the Xbox 360™ video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, the PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system, and the Nintendo DS and Wii), the PC, handheld/wireless devices, and online gaming. Last year its wholly owned subsidiary, Bethesda Softworks, released The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® which was voted Best Game of 2006. Bethesda’s upcoming title, Fallout® 3, has already been featured on the cover of more than 20 magazines worldwide and has won accolades as one of most anticipated games for 2008.

"We believe that Providence will be an ideal partner for us as we build our businesses worldwide in the years ahead. Providence shares our strategic vision for the Company and is excited by the opportunity to help us move into a position of leadership in this industry,” said Mr. Altman.

“We are pleased to partner with one of the best managed companies in the videogame industry,” said Michael Dominguez, a Managing Director of Providence. “ZeniMax Media has an outstanding series of proven interactive entertainment content and a burgeoning position in the rapidly growing global video game market. We look forward to working with Robert to build value at ZeniMax Media over the long-term.”

Mr. Dominguez will join the Company’s Board of Directors, which is currently led by Mr. Altman and includes ZeniMax Media President Ernest Del, Leslie Moonves (President and CEO of CBS), Harry E. Sloan (Chairman and CEO of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.), Robert S. Trump (President of Trump Management), noted film and television producer Jerry Bruckheimer, and Hall of Famer Cal Ripken, Jr.

Source :: VE3d

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They said they wouldn't do this :( At least, not as a core game.
Why not? It's a cash cow..
Why not? It's a cash cow..

Yeah, £10 month, thank you very much.
Yeah, £10 month, thank you very much.

multiplied by x million users..

I'd hit that. But I wouldn't play it.
Why not? It's a cash cow..

They said something before about single player games being more their kind of thing - you can make the world revolve around the individual in a way that's impossible in multiplayer.

But as a non-core game, fine. Just don't touch my precious Elder Scrolls core games.. I want ESV to be amazing :p