PS3 UT3 user generated content hits net

by Steven Williamson on 21 December 2007, 10:12

Tags: Unreal Tournament III, Midway Games, PC, Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

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DM-Shrine map now available

UK-based graphic designer, Thomas Browett has become the first gamer to create content for the Playstation 3 version of Unreal Tournament 3.

Thanks to the open network of the PS3 system, Unreal Tournament III is the first game to feature user generated content including multiplayer maps, custom game modes and much more and the first map, entitled DM-Shrine, is now available to download via Filefront.

"DM-Shrine is a small map designed for close-quarters combat for 2-6 players. Most UT3 maps tend to be designed for larger player counts, so this is an exciting addition to the game," reads the Filefront recommendation.

Fill your boots at Filefront , and then let us know how the installation went.

Source :: Filefront.

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