2K Games announces its next big shooter - Spec Ops: The Line

by Steven Williamson on 14 December 2009, 15:02

Tags: 2K Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), PC, Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

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2K Games has announced today that Spec Ops: The Line is currently in development for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC.

Described as a provocative and gripping third-person modern military shooter, Spec Ops: The Line challenges players' morality by putting them in the middle of unspeakable situations where unimaginable choices affecting human life must be made.

Spec Ops: The Line unfolds within the destroyed opulence of Dubai. Once the playground for the world's wealthiest elite, Dubai has fallen victim to a series of cataclysmic sandstorms. The city's ultramodern architecture lies half-buried under millions of tons of sand. The very sand that blankets the city plays a marquee role in altering combat situations and serves as a powerful but unpredictable force that will both help and hinder players throughout the course of the game.

While most people have fled the now-barren wasteland before the sandstorms swept through, U.S. Army Colonel John Konrad and his loyal squad remained behind to protect those incapable of escape. Unable to reach anyone in Dubai after the storm hit, the U.S. Army feared Konrad and his team dead until they picked up a weak distress signal and launched a rescue operation. As U.S. Army Captain Martin Walker, you and your elite Delta Force team are sent to infiltrate the treacherous region to bring Konrad home. Players will experience "The Line", that razor's edge known only to men who deal in war. It is the line they cross when death and duty become one and the same. It is the end - of self and sanity - when their duty is done and only they remain.

In addition campaign mode, Spec Ops: The Line will provide players with a multiplayer experience that offers a unique perspective on the single-player storyline.

More details and screenshots as we get them.

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Wheres the next Bioshock damit
Is that the Burj dubai in the video ?
It's out in about 6 weeks - http://gaming.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=20322

:surprised: , cant wait just hope they dont rush it, this first one was awsome.