DOOM single player campaign to take about 13 hours

by Mark Tyson on 15 February 2016, 12:01

Tags: Bethesda Softworks

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Nearly 13 days ago we covered the news that DOOM would be launching on Friday 13th May. Now we hear, from the official DOOM Twitter account, that those who enjoy single player FPS campaigns will get a lavish 13 hours of fun out of the game. That's the average time a common-or-garden DOOM developer takes to complete the campaign at the id Software offices.

As mentioned by PC Gamer, a 13 hours or thereabouts single player campaign is not to be sniffed at for an FPS game in recent years. Of course this is a rough estimate, which depends on how you like to play. If you are one of those who make sure to expore every nook and cranny in a new game, looking to unearth secrets, stashed weapons and other goodies, you could spend a lot more than 13 hours, those who love to speedily blast their way through situations in a frenzy might get through it quicker.

The new DOOM will feature not just a bevy of iconic and futuristic guns but an in-your-face advanced cutting, thumping, stomping melee system. As well as coming to Windows PCs it will be launched on Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 consoles.

As well as the single player campaign DOOM will, of course, have plenty of multiplayer appeal. There are numerous multiplayer classic arena and all-new modes being developed alongside FPS specialists Certain Affinity. If you are inclined to pre-order games you get gain several multiplayer perks/goodies and even splash your cash on the Collector's Edition with LED-lit 12-inch Revenant statue.

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This one might interest me …. depending on what the (PC version) system requirements are. And so far, I haven't found that.
I'm liking the look of this, and I do love a decent single player campaign… I've always played the campaigns of the FPS games before getting into the MP elements
This one might interest me …. depending on what the (PC version) system requirements are. And so far, I haven't found that.

DooM games for years were what forced me to upgrade my PC. I suspect most people who played the originals now have families and mortgages and so less spare cash, yet it would be slightly disappointing if my current PC didn't struggle a bit with it just cos, well, it's DooM :)

Oooh, it comes with a level editor. I might be sold already!
This one might interest me …. depending on what the (PC version) system requirements are. And so far, I haven't found that.

Hardware requirements aside it'll probably want Steam, and we all know your views on that!
DooM games for years were what forced me to upgrade my PC. I suspect most people who played the originals now have families and mortgages and so less spare cash, yet it would be slightly disappointing if my current PC didn't struggle a bit with it just cos, well, it's DooM :)

Oooh, it comes with a level editor. I might be sold already!

Doom is what introduced me to proper gaming ;)
I remember going to a friends house after college and seeing it run for the first time and I was like… ‘WTF? This is totally AWESOME!!!!’ lol

I bought my first PC a Pentium P60 solely to be able to play Doom & Doom II and never looked back since… before this I used to play my games on a series of home computers starting with the Dragon 32, eventually moving (via lots of different machines) up to Atari ST, and then Amiga 1200. Its been PC's all the way ever since then