Need For Speed: Carbon – PS3 Screenies

by Nick Haywood on 23 October 2006, 12:33

Tags: Need for Speed Carbon, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), Xbox 360, PS3, Racing

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So come on, how is this lot any better than the Xbox 360? Tell me in!

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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I would never expect a multi-format game to deliver anything special on either format, its just diluted to work on all really.

And its a long time since we have seen anything ground-breaking from EA. They seem to be the rom-com of the games market.
Crysis not ground-breaking enough for you then? :P
well, ive just come home with my xbox 360 premium pro evo 6 bundel thats not even out till 27th ( i work for a supermarket and i saw the stock coming n ready, so i braught it! ) 279.99 now with game, minus 10% staff discount! SWEET :)
anyway, i really dont think ps3 has that much on x360, infact i think the gpu in x360 is better. either way, im hearing that fight night looks better on ps3, but could that be anything to do with the fact that it came out ages ago on x360?
I would never expect a multi-format game to deliver anything special on either format, its just diluted to work on all really.

quite true. the origonal xbox had near to twice the power of the ps2 (allegedly) but realistically the games looked a tiny bit better, if anything (normally it was simply a tweak in the programming to allow longer draw distances)